Why am I using courier font? Well, it looks like an old school typewriter. I'm sure there are people out there that are like, "What's a typewriter?" **groans**
I've toyed with the idea of buying one if I get this published. I remember taking a typing class in High School. We worked on electric ones, but I remember typing on one of the older styles with the manual return lever. Funny, I used one of those after I joined the military for a bit.
Nostalgia helps me create as does any experience really. My grammar may not be perfect. My spelling most likely is correct, as I take pride in my ability to spell. I suppose I should talk about Ben. Elijah Benjamin Taylor. He is the main character of the book and is nothing like me. Other stories that I've written from a first person point of view, the main character is almost a mirror of myself in some fashion. Now maybe he is slightly and I haven't found it yet. Right now though, he's as foreign to me as anything could ever be. He's roughly in his early 20s. The story is set in the rural midwest in the mid to late 1980's. These are some of the minutia that doesn't quite make it in the story line. I want my story to flow. I don't want to spend forever talking about background inside the story. I want it to come naturally from the story itself. I figure if the reader really wants that information and I didn't answer it, I'll get comments or questions to the fact.
I know this novel isn't going to end in one book. It gnaws at me when I am not writing it. Even writing about it doesn't do anything to slow my desire to keep tapping at the keys. Unfortunately, I also have the feeling to not rush it. My mind is waging war with itself to keep some flow of information, like a pressure release valve. I'm sitting and writing about 500-600 words at a time, which for me is acceptable. If I could make a living doing this, it would be awesome, but I don't hold out for that kind of hope. To simply have my story read and loved by people, that would be great. I won't be upset if they want to throw money at me though...that would be cool too :)
Holly...the antagonist? I'm not sure what I would call her character in this book. She is a "prime mover" in the sense that things happen when she appears but I'm not quite sure what to make of her yet. There are so many people that she represents to me. Holly the name is from a very close friend of mine. Her description matches a combination of several women I have known in my life. Some I've had a relationship with, others I've crushed on, some I've never even spoken to. I think the eyes are probably the most stunning feature because everyone that knows me, knows I'm a sucker for redheads anyway.
Holy shit, I'm rambling. Ok, enough for now, it's friggin 2am.